Managing your own server might not be a breeze and in some cases it could be extremely annoying, specially if you do not have much experience and you are not certain what to do in certain scenarios. The hosting server has its own Operating System and processes running on it, so you may need to cope with problems that you haven't come across with a standard shared hosting package where the provider handles the hosting machine maintenance while you handle only your web content by using a hosting Cp. In the event that some service stops responding, for example, or some process start overloading the hosting server, you'll have to take measures to restore the correct operation of the server. If you have not dealt with these kinds of situations before, you could use the Monitoring & Rebooting feature, that's part of our optional Managed Services upgrade package.

Monitoring and Rebooting in VPS Web Hosting

You can reap the benefits of our service with each VPS web hosting package which we offer you and you are able to order the Managed Services package at any time with no more than a couple of clicks either when you register or through the billing area. Our system administrators will monitor the system processes on your Virtual Private Server not only manually, but also by using a sophisticated automated system, so they shall be notified the moment something goes wrong - a script that uses excessive memory or CPU time, a process that has stopped responding or went offline for reasons unknown, and so on. They'll investigate the cause of the issue and will restart your VPS. With this upgrade you can save funds for highly-priced third-party monitoring services which some companies offer, but even if they alert you about an issue, they cannot do anything to fix it. Our system administrators, in contrast, possess both the expertise and the access to do this right away.

Monitoring and Rebooting in Dedicated Servers Hosting

The Managed Services package can be added to any of our Linux dedicated servers hosting whenever you want, so whenever you decide you need it, you can order it with several mouse clicks and our staff will enable a variety of automated checks for the status of various system processes on the hosting server. This will save you a whole lot of capital for third-party monitoring services from firms that can't take care of a problem even if they recognize one as they won't have access to your machine. Our experienced staff can quickly deal with any problem - a frozen system process, a script which is consuming excessive processing time or memory, and so forth. They'll discover what the origin of the issue was so as to deal with the latter in the most suitable way and will restart the hosting machine if that is needed to restore its proper functioning. That way you'll not need to bother about potential problems or deal with administration tasks.