Hosted Domains in Website Hosting
The website hosting plans we offer permit you to host a different number of domain addresses. This way, you can select what plan to acquire and how much to spend depending on your needs. If you choose to host more domain addresses later on than the amount the current plan permits you to, you can effortlessly upgrade the whole package or even keep the same one and just add more slots for hosted domain names. If you decide to use the registration services of some other company, you'll be able to see the name servers that you have to set for your domains so that you can direct them to our cloud platform in the Hosted Domains section of the CP on our end. If you like to have everything in 1 location, however, there's no limit for the amount of domain addresses you can register/transfer inside your account no matter the hosting plan that you have selected. You'll be able to decide if you'll host any of them or you'll direct them to other existing domains.
Hosted Domains in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Our semi-dedicated server solutions allow you to host an unlimited amount of domain names by default, not by demand or after some paid upgrade. We have made certain that the feature matches the computing power of the plans as it does not make sense to have a large amount of system resources and be able to use them just for a limited number of domain names. In case you register a new domain via our company, it'll be hosted in your account automatically, so you will not need to do anything manually after that to link it to the account. If you decide to host a domain name, which is registered through a different company, you can do so with a couple of clicks and you can see the name servers that you need in your Hepsia CP. The latter was designed specifically for multi-domain hosting, so you will be able to handle all hosted domains from one place with ease. You can forget about working with different systems and accounts as you would have to do with other Control Panels.
Hosted Domains in VPS Web Hosting
Our Linux VPS web hosting can be used to host unrestricted number of domain names regardless of the hosting Control Panel that you select during the ordering process. You are going to have an abundance of resources to use, so you can choose how many domains will use them. If you get the VPS with DirectAdmin or cPanel, you'll be able to create a separate hosting account for each domain address and we don't have a limit for the number of accounts you can create. If you pick our Hepsia Control Panel, all domain addresses are going to be managed using one account i.e. there will not be a main domain and add-on domains as with the other Control Panels. The second option may be more convenient if you do not need to provide access to a certain domain to other people and you do not want to switch between accounts to handle the domain addresses that you host on the server. Furthermore, any new domain address you register via Hepsia is going to be hosted automatically on the server without doing anything manually afterward.