True Cloud Platform

We’ve deployed the newest cloud server technology when building our own web hosting platform, which is insusceptible to incidental service disturbances and network outages. All of the services associated with your web site such as DNSs, e–mail messages, databases, applications, etc. are dealt with by different physical machines to ensure that even if there’s an excessive load issue, your website will still be running hassle–free.

True Cloud Platform

Data Backups

Your website content could be recovered whenever you want

Not a single site is secured against hacker attacks. Your web site might be affected even by unintentional website content deletion on your part. With our data back–up copy solution, we can restore your web site content whenever you want. Apart from the everyday server backups that we are performing, you can yourself create manual back–up copies of all your web site content with just a mouse click through the File Manager, which is located in your Control Panel. Simply make an archive of the file(s) that you’d like to manually back up and place it in a location of your liking.

Data Backups

Web Hosting Control Panel

Manage your web sites with a single click

It is now so much easier to attain full control over your websites with the forward–looking Control Panel that we’ve made for you with user–friendliness in mind. Manage your web site files with simple drag–and–drop movements, register, transfer and control numerous domains from one location, set up email boxes in a second, manage electronic mailing list campaigns effortlessly, set up and access your own databases with a single mouse click, check site statistics real–time, etcetera. Advanced tools such as an .htaccess generator, a framework installer and a hotlink protection tool are included too.

Web Hosting Control Panel

30–Day Money–Back Guarantee

Not satisfied with your website’s loading speed? Ask for a reimbursement.

We are trying our best to provide a first–rate cloud web hosting service to you. A brand new website hosting platform, a choice of high–performance Data Center Facilities along with a bunch of Website Accelerator Tools will guarantee the best speeds for all your websites. Nonetheless, if you are not delighted by our web hosting services, you can request your money back in the first thirty–day–period of your registration.

30–Day Money–Back Guarantee


A secure web application firewall program

We offer an instant method of guarding every single web application in your cloud hosting account, no matter if it’s freshly installed or has been imported from another hosting vendor. All our website hosting plans offer ModSecurity – a web app firewall, which is enabled automatically. We have configured it to instantly stave off the majority of hacker attacks. This implies that when you host your website with us, it will be safer than ever before.


Web Accelerators

An array of tools to improve the speed of your web sites

Inside the Control Panel you’ll find a variety of Website Accelerator Tools meant to speed up your dynamic, database–driven web sites. By caching data, these software tools reduce the number of times a database is referred to and thus minimize the server load. This helps your sites open faster and will curtail the bounce rates. You will be able to choose between 3 web accelerators – Varnish, Memcached and Node.js.

Web Accelerators

NVMe Drives

NVMe–disk–driven cloud hosting servers

All our website hosting servers boast NVMe disks rather than classic hard disk drives. NVMes offer much faster read/write speeds, which means that your website will load considerably faster. Absolutely no additional website modifications are needed.

By result of the outstanding Internet connectivity options offered by each of our cloud hosting Data Center Facilities, your web site will begin working much faster as soon as you start using our hosting services.

NVMe Drives

VPN Access

Safe, private web browsing

If you live in an area with stringent web surfing regulations but would like to explore the online world as much as possible, we have a solution for you. Using any of our website hosting packages, you will be able to have Virtual Private Network access and explore the World Wide Web freely. All you need to do is set up a brand–new network using the settings we provide then we will redirect your entire inbound and outbound web traffic through one of our Virtual Private Network data centers.

VPN Access