IonCube Loader is an instrument, that is needed to run files which are encrypted with ionCube PHP Encoder. The latter is an app used to make PHP code human unreadable, in order to protect it from reverse engineering and / or unauthorized use. A number of script-driven applications, particularly online forums, content management systems and e-commerce solutions are encrypted with ionCube PHP Encoder, which means that if you buy a script and you notice that ionCube is among the web hosting environment prerequisites, you need to ensure that your hosting server has the instrument pre-installed. Although it is not that difficult to set it up if you have your own server, it's almost impossible to do that on a shared web hosting server for the reason that the PHP environment shall have to be precompiled and all of the clients on the server shall be affected.

IonCube in Website Hosting

IonCube Loader is supplied with each Linux website hosting that we offer and you are able to activate it anytime with just a few clicks, so you will be able to use script apps which need it. You are able to do this from the PHP Configuration section of the Hepsia Control Panel and all it takes to enable or disable ionCube is to click a button. The change will take effect in a minute, therefore you can go ahead and set up the application that you would like right away. The exact same section will allow you to change the PHP release that's active for your account, because we support several versions on our state-of-the-art cloud hosting platform. In case you switch to a version that you have never used so far, you will need to activate ionCube Loader again. Experienced users will be able to use a php.ini file in a particular domain folder to set a PHP release different from the one for the entire account or enable/disable ionCube Loader.

IonCube in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Due to the fact that all of the semi-dedicated server accounts are set up on our advanced cluster platform and ionCube Loader is available on it, you shall be able to use any script app which needs the software tool so as to work effectively. With several clicks in the Hepsia hosting Control Panel you'll be able to activate or deactivate ionCube for the PHP version which is currently active for the account. As we support multiple releases of PHP concurrently, you'll have to do that each time you switch to a different release, and when you revert back to a release that you have already used, our system will remember your choice and ionCube Loader will already be activated. In case you have several sites in the same account and they need different releases of PHP, you'll be able to set up a php.ini file in every single domain folder and with several lines of code you'll be able to define both the PHP release as well as the status of ionCube irrespective of what is selected for the website hosting account as a whole.