ImageMagick and GD Library in Website Hosting
Both ImageMagick and GD Library are accessible and enabled by default on our cutting-edge cloud hosting platform, which means that your scripts will be able to use them regardless of the Linux website hosting that you select when you join us. This will allow you to create interactive websites without worrying about any sort of tech limitations on our end. If you have a portfolio site, for example, you can have dynamically generated thumbnails of the pictures which show your work, while when you've got a social network or a similar site that engages your visitors in some way, you are able to provide them with a number of editing options for the photographs that they upload. In addition, you can convert text to images, which will give you lots of opportunities as to what content you can offer on your site.
ImageMagick and GD Library in Semi-dedicated Hosting
You will be able to execute any kind of script application that requires GD Library or ImageMagick to generate graphs or use images, because both are installed and enabled as standard on the cloud web hosting platform where all semi-dedicated server accounts are created. Even though you may get new PHP version for your account, you won't need to do anything in order to re-enable these libraries because they'll be available at all times. Thus, you will have a lot of options in respect to what functions both you and your site visitors will be able to use, regardless if you're writing the site code yourself, you employ one of our pre-installed script apps or you download and set up some application that you have found online. You're able to use all the sought-after formats for the images which you upload.