Network connectivity defines a couple of things - just how many people shall be able to look through a given site at the same time and how swiftly they'll be able to perform that. If the connection capacity is low, for instance, the maximum throughput can be reached with just a couple of visitors looking at the website, so newcomers will be unable to access the webpages, or in an alternative scenario, all website visitors may have difficulties. In case the capacity is sufficient, but the web server access speed is lower, it'll take longer for any webpage on the Internet site to load and this could lead to visitors simply closing the site, if they notice that they need to wait for a few minutes just to look through a couple of web pages. In this light, if you wish to start and maintain a profitable presence online, the server where you host your website should supply both superior access speeds and large traffic capacity.

DirectAdmin with Unlimited Domains in Website Hosting

You'll never experience any issues with the access to any site hosted inside a website hosting account on our sophisticated cloud platform. How fast your visitors will be able to browse the particular Internet site will depend entirely on their Internet connection, as the data centers where our web servers are located provide multi-gigabit connectivity and use dependable backbone providers to guarantee speedy and uninterrupted access to all the web servers. The data centers also have direct optical fiber connections to a lot of large metropolitan areas in North America, Europe and Australia, so if you host your websites with us, you will enjoy a fantastic website loading speed from virtually any location around the world. Additionally we use highly effective, high-quality network equipment to make sure that there'll not be delays of any type whenever an individual opens your Internet site.

DirectAdmin with Unlimited Domains in Semi-dedicated Hosting

The semi-dedicated hosting accounts which we offer you are set up within our state-of-the-art data center in downtown Chicago and if you choose to host your websites with us, you'll be able to take advantage of the multi-gigabit connection that our hosting platform is using with no restrictions or speed shaping. Put simply, your visitors will be able to look at your sites as fast as their own connection enables them to. Our data center represents an incredible option to reach the large North American market, since it has fiber connections to both the East Coast and the West Coast. Constant access to your websites is ensured by a redundant network that addresses the incoming and the outgoing site traffic as well as the connectivity between the clusters which build up our platform. On top of that, the data center uses dedicated channels from a number of the largest backbone providers within the United States, so you could be certain that no infrastructural difficulty will ever interrupt the proper operation of your websites.